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Re: Weirdest Yiddish Recordings

  Don't have info to offer, but keep us posted on what turns up -- and where
to find them.

A sheynem dank,

Sylvia Schildt 

on 7/11/02 12:46 PM, itzik gottesman at gottesman (at) 
yiddish(dot)forward(dot)com wrote:

> A while ago, I started to put together a Yiddish/klez lounge album in
> my head but by now the "loung" thing is old so I didn't pursue it.
> "Lounge" is in the eye of the beholder. For me most of the Barry
> Sisters is not loungey, but when they started to do Yiddish versions
> of English pop tunes in their later years it's heading in that
> direction. Emil Gorovits has an album of his translations of American
> pop songs which are pretty wierd to me. I would include Mike Burstein
> doing "Der Chassidicher Twist" and there's Leo Fuchs, Eli Basse,
> Catskill stuff.  If you included klezmer recordings it would make
> your life easier - Bagels and Bongos, the other Irving Field stuff,
> the Cha-cha albums, Twistn the Freilich etc,  but if it's just
> yiddish that's more of a challenge. Has anyone put out a lounge
> collection of Israeli Hebrew hits? I have a CD of greatest Hebrew pop
> songs of the 60s and there are some doozies on that one. - itzik
> Gottesman
> ---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org 
> ---------------------+

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