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Re: songs of peace

In a message dated 4/9/2002 12:00:31 PM Central Daylight Time, 
shirona (at) bellatlantic(dot)net writes:

> I know Salaam well... I taught it to hundreds of children.  Was that song 
> ever played on Palestinian radio stations? Or any other song of peace?  
> Seriously - I'm interested in hard facts on this matter, and I still think 
> it a good subject for a study.

That is a question that I cannot answer.  I don't even know if Sheva was 
listened to by mixed (Israeli-Palestinian) audiences.  Maybe one of our 
Mideast correspondents has the answer to that.
As for your depression over the lack of peace songs in Arabic (and I will not 
wax political for fear of going off the music topic), people who are 
peace-loving, or at least inclined to coexistence, rarely get good PR or make 
many hits.  How often have you opened the paper and read, "On Oct. 23, a Mr. 
Paul Smith of Riverdale did not attack his neighbor with an ax."  Nor are 
there many peace and coexistance songs issued by rappers.  That doesn't mean 
that all of them--or their listening public--are white-haters.

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