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Re: "well-tempered"?

So, would that 25 cents make it a quarter flat?  ;-)

Seth Austen wrote:

>Here's an interesting concept for people to consider in the possible use of
>just intonation in klezmer. Example, in D freygish, with D as the 1/1 tonic.
>Eb, a 16/15 interval, is 11+ cents sharp to an equal tempered minor second.
>F#, the 5/4 interval from D, is 14+ cents flat to an equal tempered major
>third. Thus the interval between the minor second and major third is
>approximately 275 cents instead of the 300 cents of that equal tempered
>interval. And what a difference that 25 cents makes.
>Just my 2 cents on the subject (pun most definitely intended, 2 cents being
>the difference between the equal tempered and just fifth).

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---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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