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Re: "well-tempered"?

Last week, in response that started with an inquiry about "Etz Harimon" (one 
of my absolute favorite Israeli folk songs, fwtw), Roger Reid charmingly 
signed his post this way:

Roger "My Piano and my Tsimbl are Well Tempered, not Equally Tempered" Reid

I'm puzzled:  The Harvard Dictionary of Music, in its discussion of Bach's 
"Well-Tempered Clavier," says "the name refers to the then novel system of 
equal temperament."  So what's the difference?--and Roger, what did you mean 
by this playful signature?

(What *should* we call these riffs that some folks, esp. George R., insert 
in their signatures, btw?)

--Robert "I'm staying as even-tempered as I can" Cohen

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