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Re: kumt tsu geyn

Leopold N Friedman wrote:

> Bob,
> My only quibble with your definitions is with your use of the word
> "imitation" rather than describing the language relationship as something
> a bit more neutral like "correspondence" or even (if proved)
> "derivation."

    Quibble accepted.  "Imitation" was shorthand for the idea that this is
case where Yiddish does something that is like Slavic and unlike the rest of
Germanic (not that I know the rest of Germanic, of course).  This leads to
the assumption (unproven) that the phenomenon reflects the influence of
neighboring Slavic languages.
P.S. Just so you don't think that I'm always pushing Slavic influences on
Yiddish, I did once upon a time publish a paper called "Hucpa and the
Klezmer, or What Yiddish Gave to Polish."

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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