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Lorele in concert

Hi all,

Just wanted to let you know that I will be singing a few programs in the
Cleveland area of the music I have been researching.

May 1st - Park Synagogue for the Sisterhood Torah Fund which benefits
the JTS.  Steven Greenman, on violin, and Dr. Mel Arnoff, on piano, will

May 6th - Workmen's Circle, 1980 South Green, phone (216) 831-4515, for
the Yiddish Vinkl concert.  Same wonderful musicians.

August 5th - The annual Yiddish Concert in the Park, Cain Park,
Cleveland Heights.  Preconcert with the 25 piece Workmen's Circle
Klezmer Orchestra, prior to main event.  There are other concerts in the
area with this orchestra; I'll let you know if any are public.

Hope to see some of you,

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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