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Re: Lorele in concert

Are there two annual Yiddish concerts in the Park? You refer to both the July 
15 and the Aug 5 date.


At 03:15 AM 6/4/2001 -0400, you wrote:
>This Sunday the Workmen's Circle Klezmer Orchestra (which features me
>singing) played a fun concert at the Great Lakes Science Center in
>Cleveland to an enthusiastic, dancing crowd.
>Next Sunday we will be at the Montefiore Home, where we will be recorded
>as part of an NPR featuring the theme of looking for roots and my soon
>to be released recording of Yiddish Passover songs, "Songs My Bubbe
>Should Have Taught Me".
>July 15th The Lori Cahan-Simon Ensemble, featuring me, Steven Greenman
>on violin, Walt Mahovlich on accordion, Dr. Mel Arnoff on piano and
>Norman Tischler on saxes, clarinet, and flute will headline at the
>Annual Yiddish Concert in the Park of Detroit at 7pm.  More details to
>follow.  Who in this area might come and say hello?
>August 5th the W.C. Klezmer Orchestra will play a pre-concert show at
>the Cleveland annual Yiddish in the Park concert.
>More to come.  Hope to see some of you there.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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