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Lorele in concert

This Sunday the Workmen's Circle Klezmer Orchestra (which features me
singing) played a fun concert at the Great Lakes Science Center in
Cleveland to an enthusiastic, dancing crowd.

Next Sunday we will be at the Montefiore Home, where we will be recorded
as part of an NPR featuring the theme of looking for roots and my soon
to be released recording of Yiddish Passover songs, "Songs My Bubbe
Should Have Taught Me".

July 15th The Lori Cahan-Simon Ensemble, featuring me, Steven Greenman
on violin, Walt Mahovlich on accordion, Dr. Mel Arnoff on piano and
Norman Tischler on saxes, clarinet, and flute will headline at the
Annual Yiddish Concert in the Park of Detroit at 7pm.  More details to
follow.  Who in this area might come and say hello?

August 5th the W.C. Klezmer Orchestra will play a pre-concert show at
the Cleveland annual Yiddish in the Park concert.

More to come.  Hope to see some of you there.


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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