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A nice surprise

I had a lovely experience during the Shabbes of Peysakh a few weeks
ago.  In shul I saw a face I hadn't seen before and she and I smiled at
each other to wish a good shabbes.  To my surprise she got up and sang
such a beautiful tune for the Ashrei, and later Ein Keloheinu.  What a
lovely voice she had.  Her name was Shirona and I thought, "Oh, I know a
Shirona from the list".  Of course, it turned out to be the same
Shirona!  I hear her Shir Hakavod is a knockout, too.

The really cool thing is that yesterday our rebbetsin led us in Ein
Keloheinu, and guess which tune we used?  Right!  Shirona, I think your
beautiful melody has become part of our service, now.  I hope we add her
Ashrei to our shul repetoire next.  I loved the sound of our
congregation singing it.  I hope you all have the opportunity to listen
to (and maybe sing) her fabulous, spiritual self-titled album.


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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