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RE: '"Empezar Ouiero Contar" Canciones Sefarad'

Long, long time Klezkamp goers told me that the best thing about Klezkamp 
last December was Judith's and Tamar's singing.  Not a small compliment 
from these parties.


From:  Robert Cohen [SMTP:rlcm17 (at) hotmail(dot)com]
Sent:  Thursday, April 19, 2001 12:54 PM
To:  World music from a Jewish slant
Subject:  Re: '"Empezar Ouiero Contar" Canciones Sefarad'

As I think I noted to the list, _I_ saw them on the BC campus the night
before--and it was very rewarding, indeed.  Wonderful to hear the repertory 
and vocal styles of so many different communities.

--Robert Cohen

>I had the chance to hear Judith and her daughter Tamar in concert recently
>at Harvard Hillel. Their range of repertory and deep (but not fussy)
>scholarship make for a very rewarding musical experience. Do try to see 
>if she's concertizing wherever you happen to be.

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