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'"Empezar Ouiero Contar" Canciones Sefarad'

While one or two people falsify their achievements, too many members here 
are afraid to share their own achievements on this list for fear that they 
will be tooting their own horn.  Not fair to everyone else, I say.  I found 
this on the Sepharad mailing list about our own Judith Cohen.  You should 
have told us Judith.  A yasher koakh!!!

Reyzl Kalifowicz-Waletzky

From:  Yitzchak Kerem [SMTP:ykerem (at) actcom(dot)co(dot)il]
Sent:  Wednesday, April 18, 2001 7:06 PM
To:  Sefardic Electronic Archive
Subject:  sea10.3.3

Sefarad, the Sephardic Newsletter
Volume 10 Number 3, Part III (SEA10.3.3)
March 2001


Judith R. Cohen, Eduardo Paniagua, Tamar Ilana Cohen Adams, Wasir Sheik,
and David Mayoral, '"Empezar Ouiero Contar" Canciones Sefarad'. Produced
by Eduardo Paniagua, Pneuma, 2000.
Distribution: Karonte, Alfonso XIII 141, 28016 Madrid, Spain. Tel:
FAX: 34.913503358 karonte (at) global(dot)net
The talented musicologist Judith Cohen has produced another valuable
Sephardic musical production. Her daughter Tamar has a special voice and
Eduardo Paniagua, on the kanoun and other percussion instruments adds a
touch of classical Spain and medieval Sephardic musical flavor. The
accompanying pamphlet explains terms like Ladino and its orthography,
presents rare Galaico Portuguese music as well as Sabbath classics like
Dror Yikra composed by the 10th century Jewish Spanish poet Dunash ibn
Labrat. Cohen also presents works musicologists like Shoshana Weich
Shahak, as well as examples of Spanish Moroccan music initially
introduced by  Henriette Azen, & Hannah Pimienta. Another valuable
contribution is the fruits of Judith's research in recent years from the
Tras-os-Montes region of Portugal; where the remaining traces of
crypto-Judaism have been witnessed. Music is also presented from
Bulgaria and Salonika. Judith had the fortune of recording Buena
Sarfatty Garfinkle, a Salonika Holocaust survivor who resided in
Montreal and has left valuable examples of Sephardic musical tradition.
The tape is recommended for all those who appreciate medieval and
traditional Sephardic music.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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