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Fwd: Re: JTS Library online

>The Library of the Jewish Theological Seminary is proud to announce its new 
>ALEPH 500 system. You can reach it by going to
>We have worked for many months to set up and configure the system, to train 
>our staff and to develop our web site. We are particularly pleased with the 
>new capabilities of the system which allow us to link bibliographic data  to 
>images and other web sites.
>We would like to take this opportunity to thank the library staff, the 
>computer operations staff and the ExLibris staff for their patience, counsel 
>and support throughout this transition. 
>You will notice that the search screens are different. However if you pay 
>attention to the options offered, you should have no difficulty using this 
>system. One major change is the virtual keyboard for Hebrew. When switching to 
>Hebrew searching a keyboard will appear and you must use the mouse to type in 
>If you encounter any problems, library staff members are available to assist 
>you in using the ALEPH 500 system. They can be reached at 212-678-8081 by 
>phone.  Do not hesitate to use the ?Help? screens and, for further assistance, 
>the ?Comment and Questions? to send an email to a librarian.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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