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Re: Book on Lubavitcher Music

Yes, I'm in complete agreement with Pete on this one. Excellent book,
makes me want to run out and buy the three volumes of Lubavitcher
nigunim and all the tapes. And it makes interesting reading alongside
"Niggun: Stories Behind the Chasidic Songs that Inspire Jews" by
Mordechai Staiman, which is as its title suggests, a collection of
hasidic tales about song. Good to counter Staiman's unquestioning faith
with Koskoff's analytical rigor and, conversely, to counterpose her
anthopologist's professional distance with his intensity. So those are
the two music books currently on my night table. (The other books are
either ones I'm reviewing or stuff I'm reading for my own next book,
except for a hilarious book about English soccer teams, but that's very
much another story.)

George (Wishes I was by my night table right now) Robinson

Peter Rushefsky wrote:
> On the subject of what's currently on my night table...
> As much as I'm enjoying Slobin's book right now, I'm equally enjoying Ellen
> Koskoff's (of Rochester's Eastman School of Music) new book, Music in
> Lubavitcher Life.  An incredibly lucid and interesting discussion of Lubavitch
> philosophy/religious beliefs, sociology and how music reflects and reinforces
> these folkways.  The author skillfully weaves in her personal journey and the
> conflicts she faced as an outsider (particularly as a Jewish woman) trying to
> "objectively" study a group who's raison d'etre is the recruitment of 
> outsiders.
>  I'm only 70% through it, so maybe it's premature, but this is highly
> recommended to anyone remotely interested in the topic.
> Anyone else reading this one?
> Pete Rushefsky
> Klezmer Tsimbl & 5-String Banjo
> 218 Lexington Ave.
> Buffalo, NY  14222
> klezbanjo (at) yahoo(dot)com
> 716-883-5938 h
> 716-857-4481 w

George Robinson
Author, Essential Judaism
Please visit my website, "Essential Judaism and Beyond"

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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