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Re: Book on Lubavitcher Music

Seth - not sure what the 3 volumes being referred to are - there are
over 20 cassettes that are put out by Chabad available in most any
Judaica store's music section - they are the best distributed chassidc
recordings around, which makes sense.

If you're short on Judaica stores in the mountains on NH, I'm sure
it can be found mail order.  For a good time, check out "Simchas 
Bais Hasoevah in the Streets of Crown Heights #3"

I don't see Chabad stuff at but Mostly Music
does have a few:

Eichler's in New York Da usually has some the old
cassettes in stock - 888-EICHLERS

5 Star Judaica in Wesley Hills NY  also has quite a few, or did last
time I was in there: 845-354-3033

You also might find them just by writing World HQ at
770 Eastern Parkway
Brooklyn, NY 11213 USA 

r l reid        ro (at) panix(dot)com

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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