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Re: "Klezmer Kings" taken?

On Tue, 17 Oct 2000 15:28:03 -0400, you wrote:

>Given the fact that most bands that play klezmer for simkhas also include 
>yiddish theatre tunes, ashkenazic and sephardic folk songs, Israeli folk and 
>dance numbers, I'm surprised more bands don't use "Simkha" or some variant, 
>instead of using "klezmer", which declares a style that covers part of what 
>they play (and part of what people want to hear). On the other hand, if it's 
>good enough for the Klezmer Conservatory Band and the Klezmatics, maybe it's 
>good enough for the rest of us, too :-).

Yeah, well, us Kings of Klezmer have our... influences... ;)

-koby the interactive bear,
who figured out the trombone solo in "Wrong Way" by Sublime (ska)

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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