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Devices for half speed listening

For some time now, I've been advised that it would be a good idea to get a
tape recorder with a half speed option for listening to and learning from
old 78 klezmer recordings. I've done pretty well without it so far, but it
is sometimes a strain to catch all the little nuances at normal speed.

So the question is, what should I get? Someone loaned me an Ibanez tape
player with both half speed and pitch adjustment options. I've heard that
Marantz makes good recorders with these features also.

A little exploration on the internet revealed other options, including
digital recorders and computer software. These can apparently allow you to
keep the pitch the same, while slowing down to half or any other speed. I'd
be interested in experiences that others have had with any of these
options, and what people think works best.

Examples of stuff I found on the web:
-Slowgold software
-TR1000 Digital Playback Recorder: from Kotler Systems
-TRANSKRIBER Computer Software 

Incidentally, this last website gave me a deep insight into how Naftule
Brandwein and others got to be so good:

  by slowing down your CDs, Tapes, and RECORDS ...the
easy way"

I should have guessed that was how they did it.


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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