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oyf(n) vs. af(n)

Tayer khaverim,

I have a question for the Yidish shprakhers among us as to the
pronunciation of vav, yud, fey, which I am also asking on Mendele.  I
generally see it written as oyf, but have been told that it is generally
pronounced  af.  Nu, who says what in what dialect?  And then, what
about vav, yud, fey, nun?  Is it oyfn or afn, as in oyfn pripetshik (or
is it pripitshok?)  I know it is not this simple, but what does a
"standard" Yiddish "du" speaker say as opposed to a "di" speaker?  Help
me, please!  I need to know how to sing my lyrics properly.

A hartsikn dank in foroys,

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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