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Re: Songs of the Sephardim

I love it! Ruth has a very special voice, imho. It is also the type of
voice that I remember from listening to sephardic singers in Israel,
which is a more arabic sounding way of singing--closer to Fairuz, 
than, say, listening to Flory Jagoda (who I also love, but who sings 
quite differently) or to the more medievally ethereal stuff that Lauren 
Pomerantz does.

It's not a genre that I know well, so please excuse the horribly 
rough triangulation.


At 07:35 PM 6/7/00 -0400, you wrote:
>In a message dated 6/7/0 3:16:17 PM, horowitz (at) styria(dot)com writes:
><< Would it be possible to add Ruth Yaako: Shaatnez on the Piranha label to
>your collection, Simon. It's well worth listening to.. Josh
> >>
>I'll check it out! Maybe someone out there has heard it.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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