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Re: Songs of the Sephardim

-- Budowitz Home Page:

I spelled it wrong: It's Ruth Yaakov: Shaatnez. Piranha label PIR 1255. This
is one of the most near-eastern sounding CD's of Sephardic songs (some of
which are coming out in our new Judeo-Spanish songbook). Ruth's voice is
powerful in the way that Mercedes Sosa is powerful and the violinist is
Shkelzen Doli  - a young Kosovo Albanian whose violin playing is simply
phenomenal. He grew up playing weddings in Kosovo and Novisad and had played
in so many Calgiya ensembles by the time he was 12 that if you asked him to
play a taxim in makam Kurdi he'll give you one which snakes through ten
other makams before returning home, with a snippet of a quote from Pagannini
variations to boot. The Vienna Philharmonic took him on board at 23, his
mentors tell him not to play all that microtonal stuff because they're
afraid it will hurt his "classical" techniques, so he sneaks off to do his
other stuff. Anyway the record is excellent and, uh, cough, I did the liner
notes. Josh

> In a message dated 6/7/0 3:16:17 PM, horowitz (at) styria(dot)com writes:
> << Would it be possible to add Ruth Yaako: Shaatnez on the Piranha label to
> your collection, Simon. It's well worth listening to.. Josh
>  >>
> I'll check it out! Maybe someone out there has heard it.
> Simon

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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