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Re: Songs of the Sephardim

-- Budowitz Home Page:

Would it be possible to add Ruth Yaako: Shaatnez on the Piranha label to
your collection, Simon. It's well worth listening to.. Josh

> A few months ago, I was contacted by George Rrobinson on an article he wanted
> to do on Ladino music. I sent him an assortment of Cds, the article, "Songs
> of The Sephardim" was published in the May 26 edition of The Jewish Week in
> New York. Unfortunately, the article was not on their web site, but someone
> was kind enough to send me a copy.
> Included in the review:
> "Liturgy of Ezra Bessaroth" by Isaac Azose
> "Cantigas" and "Mazal" by Fortuna
> "Sephardic Songs' by Jana Lewitova
> "Spring In Salonika" by savina Yannatou
> "Jewish -Spanish Songs of Thessaloniki" by David Saltiel
>  and more.
> To view these and other "Ladino" recordings, visit our "Ladino" pages at:
> Simon
> Hatikvah Music
> 323) 655-7083

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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