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Re: Songs of the Sephardim

A few months ago, I was contacted by George Rrobinson on an article he wanted 
to do on Ladino music. I sent him an assortment of Cds, the article, "Songs 
of The Sephardim" was published in the May 26 edition of The Jewish Week in 
New York. Unfortunately, the article was not on their web site, but someone 
was kind enough to send me a copy.

Included in the review:
"Liturgy of Ezra Bessaroth" by Isaac Azose
"Cantigas" and "Mazal" by Fortuna
"Sephardic Songs' by Jana Lewitova
"Spring In Salonika" by savina Yannatou
"Jewish -Spanish Songs of Thessaloniki" by David Saltiel
 and more.
To view these and other "Ladino" recordings, visit our "Ladino" pages at:

Hatikvah Music
323) 655-7083

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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