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Re: Russian Tango

Owen Davidson wrote:
> Sofia,
> Is there a possibility that the surname Kobzon indicates a musical lineage?
> Specifically, a kobza player?
> Owen
> "Sofia V. Shneider" wrote:
> > Also this tango has been performed by Joseph Kobzon (by the way
> > he is a Jew).
No. This surname was indeed Kopzon, but "b" letter appeared just because
of a prononciation of this surname. By the way: Joseph Kobzon was born
in Ukraine, Donetsk or Dnepropetrovsk region (maybe between), he was a
Jew from the shtetl. (he has been singing a song about Jewish shtetl -
"but there is no peace in our home and we must go out - but where?")
Kobzon is a member of Russian State Duma ( He also
knows Russian folk songs and romances, Ukrainian folk songs and songs of
other nations (Armenian, Moldavian, Georgian and even Buryad). But he is
a Jew. Kobzon recorded a CD "A yiddishe mame" with Jewish songs. He (I
know) has been singing A Yiddishe Mame, Bei Mir Bist Du Shein, Tum
Balalaika, Heveinu Shalom Aleichem etc. But Kobzon is a Russian patriot,
he was singing - "if Russia live, I would be alive". It's a poem of
Eugene Evtushenko, a famous defender of Jews with his poem Babiy Yar -
The White Snows Are Going. Music of this song was written by Edward
Kolmanovsky, a Jewish person.

> Owen Davidson
> Amherst  Mass
> The Wholesale Klezmer Band
> The Angel that presided oer my birth
> Said Little creature formd of Joy & Mirth
> Go Love without the help of any King on Earth
> Wm. Blake

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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