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Klezmer music preservation

Hi there. I've been following the posts in the jewish-music mailing
list because I would like to learn more about Klezmer music and to
experience more original, revival and live Klezmer recordings. So, thanks to
this list and Ari's terrific "klezmershack" web site, I have found some
sources of a few recordings made in the first half of the century but, only
a few. I am doing further research to locate recordings available locally
(Chicagoland) but I wonder if anyone knows of any ongoing efforts to
re-release more of these original recordings. It seems that there are
several organizations working towards preserving many of these records as
archives but I haven't found any information related to making these
recordings widely available. Of course, there may not be too substantial a
market for these but if these were released in some sort of non-profit
venture then it might be feasible for a smaller distribution and I'm
certainly interested in becoming involved in such a project. I assume that
there might also be copyright issues to deal with as well.

If anyone has any thoughts or information please let me know either on or
off list.

"Each thing, in so far as it is in itself, endeavors to persist in its own
being." --Baruch Spinoza, (Pr. 6, III) The Ethics

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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