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Re: john zorn's camo pants?

on 4/5/00 7:26 AM, Ari Davidow at ari (at) ivritype(dot)com wrote:

> Camo pants would be "camoflague pants"--those casual green or mottled green
> pants that one picks up in this country at military surplus shops. The couple
> of times I've seen him, tzitzis have been stylishly arranged to hang out, as
> well. I'm not unsympathetic to the idea of important ritual items used for
> artistic effect, but it is sometimes unsettling. (I presume style vs.
> religious feeling because I don't recall him wearing either kippah, or other
> head covering.)

Hmm...what's so unsettling about it? I think Rabbi Nachman said something to
the effect that it's better to "go through the motions" than to not do
anything at all, meaning that merely wearing tzitzis is still better than
not wearing them at all and that it's even more joyous to God when one who
is furthest away from God has even a passing thought than a zaddik who does
everything "by the book". Of course, this all rests on the premise that God
is really concerned about such things and that's not necessarily relevant
here. 8)

"When Law came into the world, freedom came into the world." --Talmud

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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