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Re: Not music releated, but be aware (Deceptive TV Movie)

I would suggest that anyone calling an 800 number belonging to people like
Pat Robertson or Morris Cerullo for the purpose of complaining should do
so from a *pay phone*, so that these people would not be able to get your
phone number. It is *impossible* to block your phone number when calling
800 numbers. So calling from your home phone might subject you to future
calls from solictors for these people, which is hardly a desired result! 

Hope Ehn                       <ehn (at) world(dot)std(dot)com>


On Thu, 30 Mar 2000, George Robinson wrote:

> I derived great satisfaction from calling up Pat
> Robertson's 800 number during one of his periodic beg-a-thons, knowing
> that I was telling one of his followers about his bigotry and on his
> dime. I'm sure Mr. Cerullo must have an 800 number of his own.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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