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Re: Not music releated, but be aware (Deceptive TV Movie)

What about complaining to the FCC? The presentation of this movie as
Jewish programming is DECEPTIVE. The FCC might be reluctant to interfere
with religious programming in general, but they might be amenable to
complaints about FRAUD -- programming claiming to be for people of one
religion which is really an attempt to convert them to another religion. 

Any complaint to the FCC should probably be about *individual* stations
rather than about a network in general, because individual station
licenses are what they regulate. It should list date and time, and people
making the complaints should at least peek at the thing, in order to be
sure that previous protests to the network or to the individual station
hadn't caused the showing to be canceled. (At the very least, complaining
about something that didn't really happen would invalidate the complaint; 
it might also cause future complaints to be ignored.)

Hope Ehn                 <ehn (at) world(dot)std(dot)com>


On Thu, 30 Mar 2000, George Robinson wrote:

> Khaverim --
> It's funny, I was in the Jewish Week office last Thursday (which is when
> the paper hits the streets) picking up some copies of my most recent
> articles and I noticed the ad; my antennae pricked up because I know and
> loathe the local Paxson station. So I'm not altogether surprised by this
> development. 
> However, please don't flood your local Jewish newspaper with calls --
> they were conned also, as you can see from the AP story that Lori
> posted. 
> I would suggest that a more appropriate response might be to go after
> the Paxson-owned stations (WPXN - 31 in New York City) or even more
> productive, to do something about Morris Cerrullo.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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