Mail Archive sponsored by Chazzanut Online


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Digest Format

In the past week or two, the format of the Digest has changed.  It used to be 
that you could read the shorter digests as regular e-mails, and the longer 
ones were in .MIM format, which could easily be read on word processing 
software.  Now, even the shortest digests are in .MIM format, and the longer 
ones are now .ZIP files.  When you unzip the file, each separate message is 
in its own .TXT file, which have to be opened one at a time, with no clue as 
to their contents.  To open each file is so time consuming that it is not 
worth it.  Can Shamash change back to using only .MIM formats for Digests?

Jeffrey Schanzer

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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