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Klezmer in Lederhosen

> If the phenomenon is hard to explain, it is even more difficult for Jews to
> accept it uncritically.  While I cannot agree that non-Jews have no right
> to sell Jewish music to Jewish audiences, I can criticize those German
> klezmer performers who make little or no effort to learn about Jewish
> history, language (yiddish, judeo-german, etc), culture, rituals, etc.

I can remember attending Klezkamp when a German group called "Aufwind" came to 
perform. It was quite difficult for a lot of the older folk there to accept 
them. I think the older participants felt quite intruded upon. I believe they 
were referring to the group as "PassWind" and the like. It was an attitude of 
"why can't they just leave us alone"?
That year at Klezkamp must've been quite difficult for some of the older 
participants. They were offended by Aufwind, and offended by the gay contingent 
attending, as well!  Unfortunately, one of the older participants thought it 
was okay to post something that said (I'm paraphrasing) "Don't let Klezkamp 
turn into Lezkamp". We should know better from experience, from also being an 
oppressed minority.
Steven Lederman

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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