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RE: oops

Just for your, my, and everyone's info:  If I hit "Reply" to this message it 
goes to the list, not to Reyzl (i.e., because she addressed the list; 
wouldn't happen if she wrote me personally)--which is the same thing that 
happens when I hit "Reply All."

This particular "Oops" was kind of charming, as are the responses, but of 
course the solution to this repeated problem, along w/ endless private 
messages clogging the list (and on several occasions leading to HotMail's 
threatening to delete some of my messages) is a *structural* solution, 
re-formating the list so you automatically reply to sender unless you 
*choose* to reply to the list.  But our esteemed moderator won't hear of it, 
I'm afraid.

>From: Reyzl Kalifowicz-Waletzky <reyzl (at) flash(dot)net>
>Reply-To: jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
>To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>Subject: RE: oops
>Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2000 13:32:28 -0500
>Advice from someone who has had her own disaster.  Put a large space
>between the REPLY TO SENDER and the REPLY TO ALL buttons so that you don't
>accidentally push the wrong button so often.
>I wish someone would send my husband such messages.   I have been trying to
>get him to make an order in the basement for the last 6 years and have
>already torn the hair out of my head who knows how many times.   Can I rent
>you out Josh for these kinds of reminder chores?  :)
>From:  Huppert23 (at) aol(dot)com [SMTP:Huppert23 (at) aol(dot)com]
>Sent:  Tuesday, January 25, 2000 10:58 PM
>To:  World music from a Jewish slant
>Subject:  oops
>Oh no, that was supposed to be a private message. Don't you just hate when
>that happens?

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