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Re: misirlou - oops!

I'm reposting this because I screwed up the first time around and it was not
legible. Sorry!

Don't know Ghlykeria's recordings (yuch!) but the song you've mentioned must
be Mangiko, which was recorded by many (Asia Minor) Greek artists in the
1920's and early thirties, including the great Dalgas (Andonis Dhiamandidhis.)
(Many of these recordings are now available in reissues - contact me off-list
for specific references if you're interested.) The penned text does not
correlate to Yoshke Fort Avek at all. (You drive me nuts with your coquettish
airs. Come, give me two kisses and cure my mind. Etc.) I also do not know this
to be pan-Balkan - although someone, somewhere, may have possibly sung this in
Turkish, I have never heard this done in any of the other Balkan languages. 

> Joshua Horowitz wrote:
> > Glykeria did record a Greek language version of the Yiddish tune Yoshke
> > furt avek, though (which actually is another one of those pan-Balkan
> > tunes shared by everyone). Josh
> >

> Don't know Ghlykeria's recordings (yuch!), but I the song you've mentioned
> must be Mangiko, which was recorded by many Greek artists in the 1920'a and
> early thirties, including the great Dalgas (Andonis Dhiamandidhis.) (Many of
> these recordings are now available in reissues - contact me off-list for
> specific references if you're curious.) The penned text does not correlate
> to Yoshke Fort Avek at all. (You drive me nuts with your coquettish airs.
> Come, give me two kisses and cure my mind. etc.) I also do not know this to
> be pan-Balkan - although someone, somewhere may have possibly sung this in
> Turkish, I have never heard this done in any of the other Balkan languages.
> Carol

Joshua Horowitz wrote:

> Glykeria did record a Greek language version of the Yiddish tune Yoshke
> furt avek, though (which actually is another one of those pan-Balkan
> tunes shared by everyone). Josh

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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