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Re: misirlou

For many years (going back to at least the 1950's) Miserlou was danced in
Israel to the same music used in the U.S. and called "Harikud Hayavani" --
"The Greek Dance". It was danced as part of the Israeli folk dance
repertoire, but clearly labeled as non-Israeli. The more recent dances
using Greek tunes sung in Hebrew were presented as Israeli "folk" dances
despite the Greek origin of the music (Israeli "fakelore" as someone put
it).  The noted Israeli choreographer and educator Shalom Hermon z"l was
very clear that a primary criterion for a folk dance to be considered
Israeli it must be danced to Israeli (or Jewish or indigenous ethnic) 
folk music. People from other countries who see "Israeli" dances done to
their folk music, are often amused by this borrowing from their culture. 

Haim Kaufman
Rikuday Dor Rishon

On Thu, 6 Jan 2000, Helen Winkler wrote:

> "the "real Greek" stuff. Apparently that
> music was popular in Israel."
> Josh
> I do know that Israeli folk dancing went through a Greek Phase for some 
> reason.  One of the dances popular was Hakinor Hanimaan, which is very 
> Greek/Israeli feeling (sort of a Tcherkessia hassapikos blend, with some 
> Romanian boot slapping thrown in and also a touch of Yemenite).  I have also 
> found out that in Israel they dance miserlou to a song called Zingeralah 
> nowadays.
> Helen
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