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Israeli Klezmer

For a long time, I've wanted to say how unfathomable it is that Moussa
Berlin (speaking of Israeli klezmer) hasn't been considered one of the
seminal figures of the klezmer revival. Back in the 60's Moussa was
playing off of Brandwein and Tarras 78's before the term or methods of
the revival had even been conceived. He's almost single-handedly
replenished the Israeli scene with a true eastern European repertoire,
been the main source for the Tarras cult that developed among the
Hasidim in the past 10 years there and has never given up playing
functionally. He's a veritable lexicon of Hasidic tunes, not to mention
a really nice guy. Every once in awhile he writes into this list, but
whenever that's happened, it seems no one's really paid much attention.
True there is a lot of Israeli shlock out there, and there aren't any
complete bands that catch my fancy, but in a few corners there lurk some
pretty unbelievable oytsres... Josh Horowitz

> << Israeli klezmer, on the other hand....
>  >>
> except for a handful or artists...Israeli Klezmer is not "klezmer"

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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