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Re: misirlou

> Don't know Ghlykeria's recordings (yuch!), but I the song you've mentioned
> must be Mangiko, which was recorded by many Greek artists in the 1920'a and
> early thirties, including the great Dalgas (Andonis Dhiamandidhis.) (Many of
> these recordings are now available in reissues - contact me off-list for
> specific references if you're curious.) The penned text does not correlate
> to Yoshke Fort Avek at all. (You drive me nuts with your coquettish airs.
> Come, give me two kisses and cure my mind. etc.) I also do not know this to
> be pan-Balkan - although someone, somewhere may have possibly sung this in
> Turkish, I have never heard this done in any of the other Balkan languages.
> Carol

Joshua Horowitz wrote:

> Glykeria did record a Greek language version of the Yiddish tune Yoshke
> furt avek, though (which actually is another one of those pan-Balkan
> tunes shared by everyone). Josh

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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