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woman's radio program

Can you write me the particulars about this radio show, please? Thanks.

  You know there is a new radio program in Staten Island, NY, 
>where an Orthodox rebbetsin has made a radio program consisting of 
>religious feminine music.   I have a article about this that I was planning 
>to post here but my broken computer problems have set me so far back so far 
>with e-mail that who knows when I will catch up, but I do hope to get to 
>this article soon.   (I will find a good way of dealing with the copyright 
>issues.)  I haven't heard the program myself yet (I could have this morning 
>but forgot to turn it on), but these are the kinds of strategies we have to 
>use to get real changes going.  This rebbetsin does it at the Kingsborough 
>Community College radio station for free ........{snip}

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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