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Re: Kol Isha

On 09/24/99 11:22:38 Dixk Rosenberg wrote:
>This discussion of Kol Isha is all very nice but:
>1 - It is not going to change the views of the synagogue in Harlem
>3 - From the point of view of the purpose of this list Kol Isha is a
>GIANT rat hole
>Let's talk about Jewish music (if you want to vent, elucidate, etc.
>about Kol Isha, please do it on an appropriate forum)

As I suppose my earlier post makes clear, I respectfully disagree with Dick.  I 
think this list 
is exactly the appropriate place to discuss kol isha, because it relates to 
Jewish music most 
directly. If our purpose is not to discuss all aspects of Jewish music, then 
exactly what is it?  
To only trade song lyrics? Obviously, I think the purpose is broader than that. 
The various 
arcane (although interesting) postings/discussions about aspects of the Jewish 
holidays and 
specific prayers are, to my mind, much less relevant to the general topic of 
Jewish music than 
kol isha, which is, after all, a restriction on Jews which deals directly with 
music.  If not 
here, where?  If not now, when?  If not Jewish musicians, then who?  

Indeed, the issue can be regarded as a "rat hole" in the sense that we won't 
resolve it here.  
So, please clearly indicate the subject of your posting is kol isha when you 
discuss this (if 
you do), so that the uninterested/turned off can delete the posting unread, 
should they wish to.  
I have always thought that one of the great aspects of our heritage is our 
passion and 
intellectual (dare I say talmudic) fervor which leads to a willingness to 
discuss and argue - 
often with great emphasis.  Responding to the majoritarian 
Christian/English-speaking culture, 
we have learned to be more restrained in our arguments - or at least I've tried 
to be.  You 
can't imagine the flaming I was tempted to indulge in but mentally deleted 
before formulating my 
1st posting!

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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