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Re: cantorial music by/for women

CTaub1234 (at) aol(dot)com wrote:

> Dear George,
> I heard you wrote a critical review of Friday Night Live. I'd love to see it.
> Shabbat Shalom
> Craig Taubman

Craig --

This is the review, which ran in my column in Jewish Week, the Detroit Jewish
News and Washington Jewish Week.  Sorry I couldn't be more positive, although
there were things I liked very much.


Taubman, Craig: "Friday Night Live" (Sweet Louise). An entertaining but uneven
set of Shabbat tunes by singer-songwriter Taubman. Some of these are downright
inspired, a "Romemu" that is equal parts klezmer and zydeco, and a bluesy,
rockin' "Yigdal" being particular standouts. Others are a bad idea (like the
faux-Dixieland "L'cha Dodi"). I'm all I favor of new settings of standard
liturgical texts so brownie points to Taubman for the effort, but the overall
effect of the recording is a bit unfocussed because of the profusion of styles,
and the highs are very high, the lows, well you can guess. Rating: 3 ½ stars.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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