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Re: cantorial music by/for women

In a message dated 9/3/99 9:12:56 AM, GRComm (at) concentric(dot)net writes:

I just reviewed an absolutely amazing album that sort of falls into this
category.  None of the material is written by women, but the singer, Ruth
Wider Magian, is terrific. 

I know that sounds, well, hyperbolic, but this is a brilliant recording.
And this is a completely unsolicited testimonial.

Dear George:

I also received this CD and sent it to a Friend who writes reviews of Jewish 
music. He thought it was TERRIBLE, I was not overly impressed, though I give 
her credit for what she is trying to do.

If you are interested in a contemporary Woman Cantor, try Roslyn Bazak, form 
the San Francisco area.  She has a very good Cd , "Jewish Soul Music" 
containing Liturgical and Yiddish.  Let me know if you have this one, if not, 
I'll send you a copy...I think you will like it.

Also great "Cantor" Bas Sheva, though her product is out of print.
Best Wishes,

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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