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RE: Mohammed comes to the mountain

In a message dated 7/29/99 5:16:34 PM, rlcm17 (at) hotmail(dot)com writes:

<< _Which_ recording of Arik Lavie do you think best of, Simon?     
Ther is a  Cd of his "hits" from the early-mid 60's that I like very 
much-these have become "folk-songs" I have this Cd in stock at this time.

I am also awaiting a 2 CD compilation of his-I don't know what is on there as 
 About 10  years ago, one of the record cojmpanies released a 2 Cd set of 
"The Best of Arik Lavie", and though it was not bad, they were not the 
original (mono) recordings.
  Does he record any renditions of liturgical or para-liturgical material at 
all? ... 
No not at all. He did record Yiddishat one time which is how I dicovedred 
him, but none of those are available.

<<"The MTC Does the Temptations"--marvelous!  Do you carry that?>>
I'm  waiting for the Box set, It'll be on Moyltown Records!!!

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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