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RE: Mohammed comes to the mountain

>>He had a 'monster' hit, "Rona Sheli"

Is this the same song that was recorded under the name "Rona" by the

Simon, I, for one, would enjoy having a list of the Israeli "monster"
hits of whatever time period you (or anyone else) would like to compile
them for (50 yrs?). I'm familiar with and like the 2 tunes you mentioned
below. If there are other songs I should know I would like to.



>-----Original Message-----
>From:  Klezcorner (at) aol(dot)com [SMTP:Klezcorner (at) aol(dot)com]
>Sent:  Wednesday, July 28, 1999 1:38 PM
>To:    World music from a Jewish slant
>Subject:       Mohammed comes to the mountain
>In a message dated 7/28/99 6:24:14 AM, zelwel (at) earthlink(dot)net writes:
><< Can you still call 'Al Kol Aileh' Jewish music even if you know the melody
>was lifted from Mohammed Abdelwahab? (Guess so...)
>     >>
>I think it is very important not to confuse "Israeli" with "Jewish" music . I
>think that might be part of the "problem " with this discussion.
>Years ago Israeli artist Uzi Hitman had a huge hit  with "Adon Olam"  after 
>which this melody became the "new" standard melody. In this case, the song 
>was both Israeli and Jewish. However  when he composed  "Noladeti L'Shalom" 
>(I Was Born for Peace), that was a purely Israeli song-not a "Jewish" song.
>Samir Shukri is a very popular Israeli artist.  He had a 'monster' hit, "Rona
>Sheli", this song has been recorded by such artists as Alabina, as well as 
>others and though it was a huge Israeli hit, Shukri is a Druze Arab, and I 
>doubt very much that he is writting Jewish music. He not only had the hit in 
>Hebrew, but in Arabic as well.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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