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RE: Mohammed comes to the mountain

In a message dated 7/28/99 10:50:28 AM, drosenberg (at) dht(dot)com writes:

Is this the same song that was recorded under the name "Rona" by the

Dear Dick,
Yes, the same song, but though they perform it 'nicely', they left out the 
'spice'. Somewhat like "The Mormon Tabernachle Choir Sing The Best of The 

<<Simon, I, for one, would enjoy having a list of the Israeli "monster"
hits of whatever time period you (or anyone else) would like to compile
them for (50 yrs?). I'm familiar with and like the 2 tunes you mentioned
below. If there are other songs I should know I would like to.>>

The reason I have not compiled a list of Israeli music, is that many titles 
have limited appeal. Naturally, we have to carry the commercially viable 
artists-those that need very little promotion, but I prefer promoting those 
artist that I consider important in shaping the musical history of Israel 
such as Shoshana Damari, Arik Lavie, Geula Gill Ha pravarim and so many 
others that are unknown to the younger Israeli music buyer. I also look for 
out of print recordings and I don't think it's fair to do a mass mailing 
about a recording if we only have 3 in stock and can never get them again.

I carry well over 1000 different Israeli recordings. Many of which are 
'older' traditional artist that are no longer considered  'commercial'  and 
quite a few of these have been out of print for a long time. Those are the 
recordings that I am most interested in.
 Arik Einstein is a very good artist, and has recorded the entire spectrum of 
Israeli music. He is very well known, and has instant name recognition. Arik 
Lavie, on the other hand I think is a VERY important artist. His recordings 
represent the history of Israeli Music and of Israel. Many of his song deal 
with war,"The Draft Order", "The Tanks Attacked", "Rachel",etc. The music is 
by todays standards 
(thank G-d))"primitive'. Primarily flute, drums and accoustic guitar.  If 
you're looking for an "authentic" Israeli sound, this is a great recording.

There is no shortage of new Mizrahi artist, but I have tried to locate what 
is left of the artists that inspired the current crop of singers such as 
Itzik Kalah, Etain Massouri, Beber Elmagribi, Victor, Lu Cherki, etc. Most of 
their product is long out of print but we still have a few of each.

Lately there has been quite an interest in Haim Look. I have carried his 
recordings for over 10 years when he was largely unknow by anyone outside the 
Moroccan communitee. Unfortunately, many of his recordings are out of print  
because of the lack of interest in prior years. Now, he's an "over night " 

Other 'forgotten' Sephardic Cantors include Areyae Ovadya-who's recordings 
are almost impossible to locate , and Joe Amar who was recording liturgy in 
the 60's. It would be a shame to see these recordings dissapear forever.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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