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RE: Mohammed comes to the mountain

_Which_ recording of Arik Lavie do you think best of, Simon?  Does he record 
any renditions of liturgical or para-liturgical material at all? ... "The 
MTC Does the Temptations"--marvelous!  Do you carry that?

>From: Klezcorner (at) aol(dot)com
>Reply-To: jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
>To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>Subject: RE: Mohammed comes to the mountain
>Date: Wed, 28 Jul 1999 15:59:26 EDT
>In a message dated 7/28/99 10:50:28 AM, drosenberg (at) dht(dot)com writes:
>Is this the same song that was recorded under the name "Rona" by the
>Dear Dick,
>Yes, the same song, but though they perform it 'nicely', they left out the
>'spice'. Somewhat like "The Mormon Tabernachle Choir Sing The Best of The
><<Simon, I, for one, would enjoy having a list of the Israeli "monster"
>hits of whatever time period you (or anyone else) would like to compile
>them for (50 yrs?). I'm familiar with and like the 2 tunes you mentioned
>below. If there are other songs I should know I would like to.>>
>The reason I have not compiled a list of Israeli music, is that many titles
>have limited appeal. Naturally, we have to carry the commercially viable
>artists-those that need very little promotion, but I prefer promoting those
>artist that I consider important in shaping the musical history of Israel
>such as Shoshana Damari, Arik Lavie, Geula Gill Ha pravarim and so many
>others that are unknown to the younger Israeli music buyer. I also look for
>out of print recordings and I don't think it's fair to do a mass mailing
>about a recording if we only have 3 in stock and can never get them again.
>I carry well over 1000 different Israeli recordings. Many of which are
>'older' traditional artist that are no longer considered  'commercial'  and
>quite a few of these have been out of print for a long time. Those are the
>recordings that I am most interested in.
>  Arik Einstein is a very good artist, and has recorded the entire spectrum 
>Israeli music. He is very well known, and has instant name recognition. 
>Lavie, on the other hand I think is a VERY important artist. His recordings
>represent the history of Israeli Music and of Israel. Many of his song deal
>with war,"The Draft Order", "The Tanks Attacked", "Rachel",etc. The music 
>by todays standards
>(thank G-d))"primitive'. Primarily flute, drums and accoustic guitar.  If
>you're looking for an "authentic" Israeli sound, this is a great recording.
>There is no shortage of new Mizrahi artist, but I have tried to locate what
>is left of the artists that inspired the current crop of singers such as
>Itzik Kalah, Etain Massouri, Beber Elmagribi, Victor, Lu Cherki, etc. Most 
>their product is long out of print but we still have a few of each.
>Lately there has been quite an interest in Haim Look. I have carried his
>recordings for over 10 years when he was largely unknow by anyone outside 
>Moroccan communitee. Unfortunately, many of his recordings are out of print
>because of the lack of interest in prior years. Now, he's an "over night "
>Other 'forgotten' Sephardic Cantors include Areyae Ovadya-who's recordings
>are almost impossible to locate , and Joe Amar who was recording liturgy in
>the 60's. It would be a shame to see these recordings dissapear forever.

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