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Mohammed comes to the mountain

In a message dated 7/28/99 6:24:14 AM, zelwel (at) earthlink(dot)net writes:

<< Can you still call 'Al Kol Aileh' Jewish music even if you know the melody
was lifted from Mohammed Abdelwahab? (Guess so...)

I think it is very important not to confuse "Israeli" with "Jewish" music . I 
think that might be part of the "problem " with this discussion.
Years ago Israeli artist Uzi Hitman had a huge hit  with "Adon Olam"  after 
which this melody became the "new" standard melody. In this case, the song 
was both Israeli and Jewish. However  when he composed  "Noladeti L'Shalom" 
(I Was Born for Peace), that was a purely Israeli song-not a "Jewish" song.

Samir Shukri is a very popular Israeli artist.  He had a 'monster' hit, "Rona 
Sheli", this song has been recorded by such artists as Alabina, as well as 
others and though it was a huge Israeli hit, Shukri is a Druze Arab, and I 
doubt very much that he is writting Jewish music. He not only had the hit in 
Hebrew, but in Arabic as well.


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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