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Re: Moyde ani

Thanks to Jeff for beating me to the lyrics.

The album I own has different transliterations and translations.  I
would leave it to someone else to determine which is better.  Unless
someone wants me to type out the entire text, I will limit myself to
the passages that Jeff questioned.

Arion CD: Got, nit tsorn
Philips LP: Got mit zorgen

Arion CD: Kh'bin nokh yung, unerfarn
Philips LP: Ich bin noch ying un unerfahren.

The Philips recording is "An Arion Production"
(I don't know the derivation of the word "Arion", but when pronounced
out loud it is a bizarre name for a label of ghetto songs.

the Philips LP is translated from the Yiddish by Julian J. Streen

By the way, my copy of the text is of the song as Jeff says she sings

Bob Wiener
-----Original Message-----
From: Warschauer (at) aol(dot)com <Warschauer (at) aol(dot)com>
To: World music from a Jewish slant. <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
Date: Thursday, March 18, 1999 6:14 PM
Subject: Re: Moyde ani

>I have the French CD version (Arion ARN 64081) of the Sara Gorby
>that Bob Weiner refers to.  Here are the lyrics as transliterated for
this CD
>(with my editorial comments), along with the translation as given.
There is
>also a French translation.  The text is credited to M. Schweid.
>Moyde ani, moyde ani,
>Moyde ani lefonekho.
>Got, nit tsorn, (should be "mit tsorn?"  It's unclear to me what she
>here... sounds like "nit zorgn," but that doesn't seem to make
>Ze vos fun dayn kind
>Iz in der fremd gevorn!
>Shvere yorn, lender file,
>Ikh gedenk mer nit di tfile. (She sings: "Ikh gedenk nit mer di
>Moyde ani, moyde ani,
>Moyde ani lefonekho.
>Kum antkegn,
>Kh'bin avek dikh zukhn
>Oyf fardreyte vegn,
>Kh'bin nokh yung, unerfarn, (on erfarn(?) as Reyzl suggested?)
>S'kenen fremde mikh farnarn. (She sings: "S'kenen fremde mentshn mikh
>Moyde ani, moyde ani,
>Moyde ani lefonekho.
>God of wrath,
>Look what happened to Thy child
>Wandering around in strange lands
>Long years of suffering
>Made me forget my prayer
>Moyde ani, moyde ani,
>Moyde ani lefonekho.
>On crooked roads
>I went to search for Thee,
>I am still young and inexperienced,
>Strange people may lead me
>Away from Thee.
appreciation of
>Bob's comment about the problems of oral transmission, I'd add that
>transliteration problems in this CD booklet are a good argument for
>inclusion of yidishe oysyes in liner notes!
>And I'd add that I too find the song, and her performance extremely
>The orchestration, credited to Jacques Lasry, includes either
>sounds or heavily processed acoustic sounds (or both?).  In my
opinion, the
>arrangement enhances the song and the performance.  The electronic
>create a sense of disorientation which fits the text.  It works for
>Jeff Warschauer
jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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