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Wanna Play at the 5th Annual InterGalactic Jewish Music Fest?

Hi there folks. Last year, right before the 4th Annual InterGalactic Jewish
Music Festival, I found out that a few bands who would've been great at the
fest, were playing venues near Philly. Unfortunately it was too late to include
them in the festival...So...

The 5th Annual InterGalactic Jewish Music Festival is starting to shape up for
the weekends of November 7 and November 14, 1999. If you are interested in being
part of the festival, and know you will be around Philly in November, please
drop me a personal e-mail (don't respond to the list, just to me!). The festival
presents "new ideas in Jewish Music". If that sounds like you, please give me a

Ben Laden
Navigation Commander of the InterGalactic Jewish Music Festival
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, Earth

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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