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Re: flute

Ernie Gruner / Cathy Dowden wrote:
> Please could I now ask for words of wisdom on the flute and early klezmer.
> I see wooden flutes in photographs of kapelye and read about them, but
> there seems to be a lack of early recordings or later revival.
> Can anyone please list recordings that have flute, especially in small
> ensembles as opposed to chirpy piccolos in big bands? Also are there any
> recent recording of flute players who have integrated klezmer style....
> Finally, has anyone written any articles about klezmer flute ornamentation
> and phrasing? Would the design of the instruments have been significally
> different?

Hi - I would very much appreciate being copied on any of the responses
which you may have received to the above post, in terms of recordings
and/or articles featuring klezmer flute.  

I know that the flute was a common instrument in very early kapelye -
before its tones were drowned out by those noisy clarinets and
accordians ;-).  However I do not have any specific recordings to refer
you to.  The one recent, modern revival, klezmer recording that I am
aware of that heavily features flute playing is the Alaska Klezmer Band
cd, with Markus Bishko, a very talented klezmer flutist.
Ora S. Prochovnick                           
New College School of Law             
50 Fell St., San Francisco, CA  94102
415/ 241-1317
orap (at) ncgate(dot)newcollege(dot)edu

It is not upon you to finish the task, nor are you free not to begin.
Pirkei Avot 2:21

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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