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Re: klez accordion

Only one?  I'm used to two or three.  Maybe I should move to Chicago?


MaxwellSt (at) aol(dot)com wrote:

> A klezmer is hot and tired after the gig, so he pulls into the 7-11 to get a
> cold drink.  While he's buying his slurpee, suddenly he realizes that he
> spaced out--the accordion is in the back seat, in full view!  He rushes out of
> the store...but it's too late.  Someone has already broken the car window and
> left another accordion.

Owen Davidson
Amherst  Mass
The Wholesale Klezmer Band

The Angel that presided o'er my birth
Said Little creature formd of Joy and Mirth
Go Love without the help of any King on Earth

Wm. Blake

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