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Re: Kinky Jewish Music

In a message dated 1/29/99 1:59:27 PM, you wrote:

<< I have been called a kike in both a hateful and non-hateful>>
Dear Aaron,.
Being called a Kike in a non-hateful way???? You run with a great bunch of

There is NO Way to be called a Kike lovingly.
The political correctness of today is to say that words don't hurt. If you had
a small child would you permit him to call a Black child Niger on the
playground and tell the Black child's parents it is permitted because he said
it in a "non-hurtful" way.
Do words hurt, you bet and they can do much more.  
You cite the children's rhyme:

Sticks and Stones

may break my bones,

but names will never hurt me

A better example of what words can do is "The Pen Is Mightier Than The Sword"
History shows us what the various decrees and "scientific" papers and certain
words were given 'new meanings in order to promote a government policy visa vi
various Jewish communities.

As far as the example of the word "niggardly", the word does not have ANY
racial connection at all, It is (so I was informed) of Swedish origin. In that
case the accusers have no concept of the word and just see bigotry anywhere
they look. 
While in the "kike in a non-hateful" way ,we refuse to see bigotry where it
Unfortunately, with our history as Jews, the recurring refrain has always
been,"It Can't Happen Here"

Finally, it's also interesting to note that people who use Kike, or Heb,
Nigger, Spic, etc in a 'non-hurful" way will usually follow that up with "Why,
some of my Best friends are____" (Fill in the Blank)

Back to Music, PLEEEZE

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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