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Re: Avishai Cohen

Khaverim --

I did a profile of Cohen several months ago and reviewed his album in my
Jewish Sounds column in Jewish Week (NYC). First of all, he 's a nice
Jewish boy whose fondest wish has come true -- he's Chick Corea's
bassplayer now. Does that mean something theologically? Naaaaah. Also
he's a very good bassist and a pretty good composer/leader. The album is
sound, solid post-bop in a sort of Blue Note mid-60s vein (if you know
what I mean, you'll know what I mean). Some of the tunes have a
distinctly oriental tang to them, but I don't know if I would call them
Jewish as much as Middle Eastern; the stuff could just as easily have
been written by any of several African-American jazz composers who have
worked in that idiom. I like the album a lot and gave it a favorable
review. Is it Jewish? Your call, friends.

George Robinson

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