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Re: Ben Goldberg (Was Re: Avishai Cohen)

Ben plays so many different gigs around the Bay Area in so many different kinds
of musical contexts, that I think it would be hard for him to stick strictly to
Klezmer. He did it for a while, though, as can be witnessed on a couple of the
Klezmorim LPs he was on!

Eliezer Kaplan wrote:

> At 01:00 PM 12/27/98 -0500, you wrote:
> >Or the multi-talented Ben Goldberg's projects?
> >SL
> >
> Now there's some intersting stuff- especially the New Klezmer Trio, and the
> collaboration with Mrty Ehrlich. It seems that a good deal of Goldberg's
> roots are in the world of Klezmer music, but that he's really left that
> world behind now. One might almost say the same about Don Byron. I guess a
> clarinet player, not readily accepted in the jazz world these days, has to
> kind of work themselves in.
>                                         EK

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