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Re: Hassidic Music: Lubavitch

Yes they did, and many still do, because they believe he never died/will
rise from the dead.  A large group in Lubavitch was convinced that the
Rebbe was Moshiach, and when he passed away refused to accept it, so
simply reinvented Xtianity - they claim he's going to be independently
resurrected soon and then lead in the Messianic era (either that or he
never died - he's just hiding till we're worthy of him).  There is quite
a bit of scandal about this now in the non-Lubavitch world, and there is
still a large group within Lubavitch that wish the "Moshiach" phenomenon
would just go away.

I think the words go like  "Y'hi rabbenu morenu adonenu melech haMoshiach
- long live our rabbi, our teacher, our master the King Messiah."  From
what I understand they either sing it or deliver it en masse like a kind
of football cheer.   I'm sure Eichler's or any other Lubavitch based
bookstore can send you a tape containing it - or you can drop by Crown
Heights.    Don't mind me - I'm a Slobodka musarnik when I'm not being a
follower of R. Shimson Raphael Hirsch, so naturally I'm a little
prejudiced on the topic of Second Comings, even of nice Jewish rebbes
from Russia.

Rochel Sara

On Sun, 27 Dec 1998 11:35:47 -0500 "robert wiener"
<wiener (at) mindspring(dot)com> writes:
>I had heard that in the last years of the Lubavitcher rebbe's life,
>when he would appear in public his followers would sing a song.
>Perhaps its name was "Hamelekh Hamashiakh".
>Does anyone know if that is true?  If so, was the song recorded and
>was there a recorded version "accepted" by the community?
>Bob Wiener

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